Monday, July 20, 2009

US and India agree defence pact

India and the United States have agreed a defence pact which will boost the sale of sophisticated American weaponry to Delhi.
The US Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, on a visit to India, said the two sides had agreed an "end-use monitoring" accord.
This aims to help the US ensure that its military technology is not transferred to other countries.
Mrs Clinton also held talks with Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh.
During Monday's meeting, Mr Singh accepted an invitation from Mrs Clinton to visit the US in November, officials said.
The end-use monitoring agreement was announced in a joint news conference between Mrs Clinton and the Indian Foreign Minister SM Krishna.
End-use agreements are required under US law for weapons sales.
India is seeking to buy fighter aircraft and nuclear reactors - deals that are expected to generate multi-billion dollar contracts, for which several US companies are bidding.
India also announced on Monday that it had approved sites where American companies will build two nuclear power plants.
It is part of a civilian nuclear deal signed by the US and India last year.
Mrs Clinton is spending three full days in India. She departs on Tuesday.
Correspondents say Mrs Clinton's visit aims to show the US is committed to broadening its ties with Delhi.
Addressing students at Delhi University ahead of the talks, Mrs Clinton said the US wanted to "deepen our strategic understanding" with India and find more common ground.
Mrs Clinton also held talks with the leader of the opposition, Lal Krishna Advani.
India's relations with neighbouring Pakistan were also expected to feature prominently in discussions.
Our correspondent says that publicly Mrs Clinton has insisted that what Pakistan and India do is completely up to them.
But he says everyone in Delhi is clear it was pressure from Washington that pushed the countries to hold talks in Egypt last week.
Pakistan-India relations dominated Mrs Clinton's visit to Mumbai on Saturday, in the wake of attacks on the city last November that left more than 170 people dead.
On Sunday, talks in Delhi focused on climate change, which remains a sensitive subject for developing countries such as India and China, which have so far refused to commit to carbon emissions cuts in a new treaty.
Mrs Clinton also sought to assure India the US would not try to impose conditions that might affect India's economic growth.
But Indian Environment Minister Jairam Ramesh said his government could not accept targets that would limit economic growth.
India argues the US must do more as it has been historically to blame for the emissions.
Mrs Clinton later told reporters she was optimistic a deal on climate change could be reached.
The key date for climate change is December - when a summit in Copenhagen will look to forge a new international treaty that will replace the Kyoto Protocol, which expires in 2012.

Clinton: US Doing All It Can to Free Captured Soldier

The U.S. is doing everything in its power to locate and free an American soldier captured by the Taliban in Afghanistan, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said Monday.
Private Bowe Bergdahl -- who disappeared earlier this month from his base in southeastern Paktika province -- appeared in a video posted to the Internet Saturday. The 23-year-old Idahoan, who appeared nervous and frightened, is prompted in English by his captors to call on the U.S. to withdraw its troops from Afghanistan.
"We are attempting to do everything we can to locate him and free him," Clinton said in an interview aired Monday on ABC's "Good Morning America."
"It's just outrageous," she said. "It's a real sign of desperation and inappropriate criminal behavior on the parts of these terrorist groups, so we are going to do everything we can to get him."
U.S. officials have said they believe Bergdahl was captured by the same group responsible for kidnapping New York Times reporter David Rohde, who escaped in July after being held seven months by the Taliban.
In the 28-minute video posted Saturday, Bergdahl confirms his name and hometown. The Pentagon confirmed his identity Sunday -- nearly three weeks after he disappeared.
Bergdahl, who is seen in the video with a shaved head, choked back tears as he tells his captors he wants to see his family.
"I'm afraid that I might never see them again and that I'll never be able to tell them that I love them again, I'll never be able to hug them," Bergdahl says. "I'm scared...scared about not being able to go home. It's very unnerving to be a prisoner."
On July 2, two U.S. officials conceded a soldier had "just walked off" his base near the border with Pakistan with three Afghans after his shift, but wouldn't release details. Four days later, the Taliban claimed "a drunken American soldier had come out of his garrison" and was captured by mujahedeen.
The U.S. Department of Defense said in a statement Sunday that Bergdahl -- a member of an infantry division based Fort Richardson, Alaska -- was officially declared "Missing-Captured" on July 3.
Back home in Idaho, Bergdahl's parents say they are overwhelmed by the recent outpouring of support from neighbors in their small community and abroad.
Blaine County Sheriff Walt Femling read a statement issued by the family Monday, thanking supporters for their concern. Neighbors and others in the community about 10 miles south of Sun Valley have known for weeks that Bergdahl had been captured.
The governor, along with Idaho's congressional delegation, said Sunday he only learned of Bergdahl's captivity days earlier, but opted to keep the soldier's name quiet until it was officially released.
FOX News' Jennifer Griffin and the Associated Press contributed to this report.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

China says police killed 12 in Uyghur riots

(CNN) -- China acknowledged Sunday that security forces shot dead 12 people during ethnic riots in the northwest earlier this month.

Officials also said Sunday that the death toll from the violence in the Xinjiang region had risen to 197. The government had previously said the fighting killed at least 184 people and wounded more than 1,000.
Nur Bekri, chairman of the Xianjiang regional government, said police officers in the capital Urumqi shot 12 "mobsters" after failing to deter them by firing into the air, state-run media said.
Three of them died on the spot, while nine died later, the Xinhua news agency said.
He did not say whether the "mobsters" were Uyghurs, who are predominantly Muslim, or Han, who are the majority in China.
The rioting stemmed from an incident in June when a brawl broke out between Uyghur and Han workers at a toy factory in Guangdong province in southern China. Two Uyghurs reportedly died.
To protest the deaths, Uyghurs took to the streets in Urumqi -- and fighting erupted.
"But we could never imagine that the mobsters were so extremely vicious and inhumane," Bekri said, adding that the "thugs" used iron rods, stones and bricks to kill innocent residents.
The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region is home to about 20 million people and 13 major ethnic groups -- of which the Uyghur is the largest.
Some Uyghurs resent the presence of Han in Xinjiang, many of whom came looking for work.
A militant leader whose group has links to al Qaeda has denounced Chinese treatment of Uyghur Muslims and threatened to seek "revenge."
The leader of the Turkistan Islamic Party, in a video that appeared on Islamic Web sites, blames the Chinese for "genocide" against people in East Turkistan -- what some Uyghurs calls the region of Xinjiang province in western China where they live.
The remarks were delivered by Seyfullah, commander of the Turkistan Islamic Party and dated July 8. They came after the violence erupted between Uyghur Muslims and Han Chinese.
The speaker urged his people to "kill the Chinese Communists where you find them, take them and besiege them and ambush them wherever you can."
"Let them know that these Muslim people have men who will seek their revenge and they are about to do that very soon, before the horses of God will reach you, God willing, so be prepared for that moment because we are too getting prepared."

يهود ارثوذكس في زيارة لحركة حماس في غزة

قام اربعة من جماعة يهودية ارثوذكسية متشددة تعارض قيام اسرائيل بزيارة لحركة حماس في قطاع غزة.
والتقي اليهود، مرتدين زيهم الخاص من معاطف وقبعات سوداء وضفائر جانبية طويلة بشعرهم، زعيم حركة حماس اسماعيل هنية.
وتعتقد جماعة ناطوري كارتا ان الدولة اليهودية لا يقيمها الا المسيح المخلص ومن ثم يعتبرون دولة اسرائيل الحالية هرطقة ويؤيدون اعداءها.
ونقلت وكالة اسوشيتدبرس للانباء عن الحاخام يسرائيل فايس قوله: "اننا نشعر بمعاناتكم، ونبكي الامكم".
واضاف: "انها ارضكم، وهي محتلة بشكل غير عادل ولا شرعي من قبل اناس سرقوها واختطفوا هويتنا وعقيدتنا اليهودية".
ودخلت المجموعة اليهودية الى قطاع غزة، الذي تفرض اسرائيل عليه حظرا مشددا، مع قافلة من الناشطين سافروا عبر مصر.

"حراس المدينة"

وكانت جماعة ناطوري كارتا، وتعني باللغة الارامية "حراس المدينة"، تأسست في القدس قبل 70 عاما.
ويقدر عدد اعضائها بما بين عدة مئات وعدة الاف بعضهم في اسرائيل وبعضهم في بريطانيا وامريكا.
وامتدح اعضاؤها قول الرئيس الايراني محمود احمدي نجاد بانه يجب محو اسرائيل من صفحات التاريخ ـ وهو قول يترجم احيانا "ازالة اسرائيل من على الخريطة".
كما شاركوا في مؤتمر شكك بالمحرقة اليهودية في طهران واقاموا قداس دعوات للزعيم الفلسطيني الراحل ياسر عرفات وهو على فراش الموت.
وحسب تقارير صحفية فلسطينية، وصف اسماعيل هنية المجموعة بانهم "ابطال".
وقال: "مشكلتنا هي مع الاحتلال، الذي يستند الى الايديولوجية الصهيونية ورغبتها في تشتيت كل الشعب الفلسطيني".
واضاف: "هؤلاء، من الرموز الدينية الذين يعبرون عن اعتراضهم على الحصار والعدوان والجرائم، لا نملك الا ان نحترمهم ونحترم معتقداتهم وثقافتهم".
وتعتبر اسرائيل واغلب الدول الغربية حركة حماس حركة ارهابية وترفض التعامل المباشر معها.

يهود يقترحون على العرب طريقة جديدة لتحرير فلسطين

وأضافت أن هذا الطريق "ليس برنامج المراحل الذي تم استنفاده، ولا المقاومة"، بل يهدف إلى "شل الأسس التي يرتكز عليها النظام الصهيوني".

ووفقا لما اوردته "الجزيرة نت" قالت المنظمة في رسالة إلى رئيس المكتب السياسي لحركة المقاومة الإسلامية (حماس) خالد مشعل وقعها الحاخام إلحنان إستروفيتش من مدينة القدس إن هذا الطريق الجديد الذي تقترحه يتطرق إلى جملة من القضايا القائمة، بما فيها موضوع الأسرى الفلسطينيين في السجون الإسرائيلية، وكذا الوضع في قطاع غزة.

وطالبت الرسالة حركة حماس بتجميد صفقة الأسرى التي تسعى بموجبها إلى مبادلة الجندي الإسرائيلي الأسير جلعاد شاليط بمئات الأسرى الفلسطينيين في السجون الإسرائيلية، مؤكدة أن شاليط "يلعب دورا أكبر بكثير" من مسألة تحرير بضع مئات من الأسرى.

واعتبرت الرسالة أن صفقة الأسرى في هذه الأثناء "ستكون خطأ وستكون بمثابة تتمة للطريق القديمة"، مشيرة إلى أن الإسرائيليين يبدون كأنهم يعارضون تحرير عدد كبير من الأسرى، لكنهم في واقع الأمر "يرغبون في مثل هذه الصفقة بأي ثمن".

ودعا إستروفيتش مشعل إلى عقد لقاء بينهما "في أقرب وقت ممكن" "كي يخرج هذا كله إلى حيز التنفيذ على أرض الواقع"، معبرا عن "خيبة أمله" لأن حركة حماس "التي تحظى بمكانة راقية، بدأت تسلك شيئا فشيئا طريق اليأس في الاعتراف بالصهيونية كما فعلت منظمة التحرير الفلسطينية، وتستسلم للحكم البائس من حدود عام 1967 الذي نجح الصهاينة في فرضه على العالم بأسره".

وكان مشعل قد ألقى في الأيام الأخيرة خطابا من العاصمة السورية دمشق دعا فيه العرب إلى إستراتيجية عربية وفلسطينية مشتركة لمواجهة إسرائيل، وأعلن فيه أن حركته لن تقبل بأقل من دولة فلسطينية كاملة السيادة على أراضي 1967 عاصمتها القدس، مع ضمان حق عودة اللاجئين الفلسطينيين.

وقالت رسالة ناطوري كارتا إن "هذه الطريق البائسة التي تنبع من التفكير الفلسطيني الخاطئ منذ أكثر من ستين عاما، ستعزز شأن الدولة الصهيونية وتمنحها سنوات طويلة من البقاء والدوام وتبعد إمكانية تحرير فلسطين أكثر فأكثر".

واعتبرت المنظمة أن تحرير فلسطين "مسألة سهلة بسيطة"، وأن منظمات المقاومة الفلسطينية "تستطيع إسقاط الحكم الصهيوني في بضع سنوات فقط لو أدركت أنه يجب أن تنسى تماما الطريق الخطأ الذي سلكته جميع منظمات المقاومة بما في ذلك منظمة التحرير الفلسطينية".

ودعت إلى عدم التعامل مع إسرائيل "كما يتم التعامل مع دولة طبيعية" لأنها "ليست دولة ولم تكن دولة ذات مرة"، بل هي حسب تعبير الرسالة "نظام من منظمة إجرامية تابعة للمافيا (...) سيطرت على الشعب اليهودي بوسائل الإرهاب والقوة".

وحثت الرسالة العرب على التوصل إلى "تفاهم واتفاق مع اليهود الحقيقيين المعادين للصهاينة (...) والتقدم سويا نحو طريق جديدة بديلة للسلام ومعادية للصهيونية بين الدول العربية واليهود"، واصفة هذا السلام بأنه "يرتكز بالأساس على نظرة الإسلام لليهود" وأنه "سيكون مقبولا كليا وستوافق عليه الولايات المتحدة وأوروبا".

وأضافت أن هذا الحل كذلك "سيسحب من الدولة الصهيونية الاحتكار الذي تمارسه في إدارة أمور الشعب اليهودي"، و"سيسد أنبوب دعم الولايات المتحدة وأوروبا في وجه إسرائيل لتبقى معزولة تماما في علاقتها مع دول العالم".
القدس المحتلة: اقترحت منظمة ناطوري كارتا اليهودية المعادية للصهيونية ولدولة إسرائيل على الفلسطينيين والعرب ما أسمته "طريقا ثالثا" لتحرير فلسطين و"وضع نهاية لإسرائيل خلال أقل من خمس سنوات".

حماس تغزو إسرائيل ثقافيا بفيلم عماد عقل

احتل الفيلم السينمائى "عماد عقل" الذي أنتجته شبكة الأقصى الإعلامية التابعة لحركة حماس عناوين الصحافة الإسرائيلية بعد يوم من افتتاح عرض الفيلم في غزة.

وركزت الصحافة الإسرائيلية على القيم الإسلامية بالفيلم، وقدرة حماس على إنتاجه رغم الحصار المشدد على غزة.

واختارت صحيفة "يدعوت احرونوت" جملة " هذا ليس هوليوود..هذا حماس وود" عنواناً لتقريرها الذي نشر عصر السبت في موقعها الالكتروني.

وقالت إن حركة حماس استطاعت إنتاج الفيلم رغم عدم توفر دور العرض في قطاع غزة بعد أن تم تدميرها خلال الثمانينيات من القرن الماضي مع اندلاع الانتفاضة الأولى.

فيما طالب زوار موقع الصحيفة في تعليقهم على التقرير بعرض الفيلم على القناتين الأولى والعاشرة الإسرائيليتين، مثمنين لحماس "تقديرها للثقافة".

وتمنى آخرون أن تنتقل الحرب بين حماس و"إسرائيل" إلى حرب شاشات، وقال أحدهم:" تعالوا ننقل الحرب بيننا إلى حرب شاشات بدلا من الحرب الحقيقية".

فيما قال آخر ساخراً من معاناة الشعب الفلسطيني "إذا لم تجدوا عندكم القمح فكلوا الأفلام".

وقد نحت صحيفة "معاريف" أيضا منحى ساخرا حين عنونت الموضوع بـ ( رامبو نسخة غزة : قادة حماس ينتجون فيلم "اكشن").

وقالت إن قادة حركة حماس سيعملون على إخراج فيلم جديد حول حياة الشهيد عز الدين القسام من إيرادات هذا فيلم عقل.

وعلقت الصحيفة على فيلم الشهيد القسام قائلة :" قادة حماس يريدون إخراج فيلم حول القسام، ولكنه من مواليد حيفا، وحماس لا تستطيع التصوير في حيفا في الوقت الحالي"، غير أن الصحيح أن القسام من مواليد سوريا وليس من مواليد حيفا.

ولفتت معاريف انتباه زوار موقعها الالكتروني إلى أن جميع النساء اللواتي شاركن بالتمثيل في فيلم حماس كن يرتدين الملابس الطويلة وحجاب الرأس، وأن الممثلين كانوا يتحدثون اللغة العبرية بلهجة عربية ثقيلة".

وركزت الصحيفة على دور رئيس الوزراء الإسرائيلي السابق إسحاق رابين وتمثيله بالفيلم الذي يتحدث عن حقبة التسعينات من القرن الماضي.

وأشارت الصحيفة إلى أن العديد من قادة حماس شاهدو حفل افتتاح الفيلم في الجامعة الإسلامية بغزة، وقال:"بعد انتهاء العرض ضحك رئيس الوزراء الفلسطيني إسماعيل هنية للكاميرات وهنأ الممثلين".

وكتبت الصحيفة تحت صورة القيادي في حماس محمود الزهار المنشورة في المقال معلقة :" رغم أن شخصية الزهار تبدو قوية ومخيفة إلا أنه وكما يبدو يمتلك روحا فنية "

وكان القيادي في حركة المقاومة الإسلامية حماس قد قام بكتابة سيناريو الفيلم، فيما أخرجه المخرج الفلسطيني ماجد جندية.

ويستعرض الفيلم حياة واستشهاد قائد كتائب القسام عماد عقل منذ ميلاده في العام 1971 وحتى استشهاده في عملية اغتيال نفذها الجيش الإسرائيلي في 23/11/1993.

ومن فرط إعجابه بالفيلم وفكرته ومستواه الفنى كتب إبراهيم المدهون – مدير "مركز البيان للإعلام" نشره الموقع قال فيه:

"من شاهد الفيلم السينمائي الروائي "عماد عقل" أدرك انه أمام انطلاقة قوية للسينما الفلسطينية، و أمام بذرة مثمرة لسينما المقاومة والممانعة والصمود، فلم يتوقف التصفيق الحار مع كل مشهد مؤثر من مشاهد الفيلم مما اثبت بما لا يدع مجالاً لشك أن الفيلم حقق نجاحا كبيرا فاق المتوقع رغم انه العمل الاول.

بصراحة شديدة الفيلم أقنعنا وأرجعنا إلى الفترة التي عشناها وتعايشناها وتابعناها، فوجدنا أنفسنا هناك في أزقة جباليا، وجبال الخليل وفي بيوت الإيواء وبنادق المطاردين.

الفيلم عمل سينمائي متكامل يبشر بانطلاقة قوية، فهناك سيناريو جيد وفكرة عميقة وأداء تمثيلي متميز كأول عمل رغم المعوقات الشديدة من حصار واحتلال وغياب ثقافة السينما، وانعدام ممثلين أصحاب خبرات سابقة، وفي ظل ضحالة الامكانيات المادية والتقنية، مما يبشر بالمزيد من الرقي والصعود، بل إن جودة الفيلم كانت مفاجأة للكثير من الحضور فالكلام غير متكلف، والأحداث متتابعة ومكثفة، والعمليات متقنة وكأنها حقيقية.

شاهدنا بالفيلم تاريخنا القريب وعشنا لحظات العزة التي صنعها أبطال القسام الأوائل، وأخذتنا أحداثه إلى العمليات النوعية الأولى بشكل قوي جدا وممتع جدا، واستطاع الممثل الشاب الذي أدى دور عماد أن يقنعنا حتى أحببناه وبكينا لحظات فراقه.

ولا ننسى أن الرعاية الرسمية للحدث السينمائي الاول يعطي مؤشرات واضحة نحو تبني هذا العمل، فمن كاتب السيناريو الدكتور محمود الزهار، والذي أبدع واظهر روحا أعمق بكثير من هذه الصورة التي غلفتها الحياة السياسية، واظهر جوانب إنسانية عديدة من معاناة شعبنا بطريقة أخرى وبشكل جديد.

الى حضور رئيس الوزراء وتكريم طاقم الفيلم مما ينبئ برعاية رسمية لثقافة يجب أن تتغلغل في المستقبل القريب وتنتشر وتاخذ حقها بالاهتمام والرعاية لما لها من اهمية في تثقيف الشعب ودعم المقاومة وتمتين الاواصر الثقافية، وهنا نطالب الحكومة في غزة بأن تقوم بابتعاث شباب لتعلم الإخراج السينمائي وفنون التمثيل في الدول الشقيقة، والعمل على إنشاء معاهد و دور للسينما والمسرح، و دعم كتاب وسينارست، ليتم إحداث حالة ثقافية وسينمائية فترعى الفن الهادف والمقاوم بدل الإسفاف الذي تمتلئ به الشاشات العربية للأسف.

ما ميز العمل السينمائي المقاوم الأول في فلسطين، الإخراج الجيد والإتقان المتميز لمشاهد الاكشن والحركة والعمليات الحربية، فكان إجمال العمل أكثر من المتوقع كعمل سينمائي أول بإنتاج فلسطيني وسيناريو فلسطيني وإخراج فلسطيني وتمثيل أيضا، فهو عمل فلسطيني مئة بالمئة ويستحق أن يعرض في دور العرض السينمائية العالمية ويدخل في مهرجانات وينافس على جوائز أيضا.

كما تميز ايضا بصفته كعمل اسلامي ملتزم، ورغم ذلك كان حضور لافت للعنصر النسائي بلباسهن الملتزم والذي يعبر عن ثقافة الشعب الفلسطيني، وهذا دليل آخر على انه هناك تقدم نوعي في فكرة العمل السينمائي المقاوم والإسلامي، وانه غير مقتصر على عنصر دون الآخر فيخرج العمل مشوه، لهذا شاهدنا عمل متكامل وضح التركيبة الاجتماعية للشعب الفلسطيني بشكل جلي.

كما ان وجود العنصر النسائي يعطينا أمل أن تتناول سينما المقاومة القادمة، معالجات اجتماعية نوعية عن حياة أم الأسير وزوجته، وأرملة الشهيد، وابنة الجريح، وسيرة ذاتية تتناول بطولة الاستشهاديات، وتجسيد معاناة وتعقيدات حياة الشباب الفلسطيني في ظل الاحتلال، كما نتمنى ان يتم معالجة قضايا السقوط الأمني والعمالة وأثرها على المجتمع الفلسطيني، وغيرها من القضايا الهامة في حياة وتفصيلات المجتمع والقضية الفلسطينية

الفيلم السينمائي عماد عقل سيكون له ما بعده، ونأمل لان تتفتح الأذهان وان نشهد انطلاقة سينمائية حقيقية، فالأثر الذي يتركه فيلم سينمائي واحد اكبر بكثير من آلاف المقالات والكتب".

نابلس تدخل موسوعة جينيس بأكبر طبق كنافة

نجح الفلسطينيون السبت 18/7/2009 بدخول موسوعة جينيس للأرقام القياسية عبر إعداد أكبر طبق من الكنافة بلغ طوله 74 متراً وعرضه 110 سم ووزنه 1765 كيلوجراما.

وخلال الاحتفال بالانتهاء من صنع طبق الكنافة بحضور آلاف المواطنين قال حازم الشنار رئيس لجنة المواصفات والمقاييس الفلسطينية في وسط مدينة نابلس "إن طول طبق الكنافة بلغ 74 مترا بعرض 110 سم ووزنه 1765 كيلوجراما وبناء على ذلك يكون هذا أكبر طبق كنافة في العالم".

وكانت الفكرة تقضي بعمل طبق كنافة بوزن 1350 كيلوجراما لدخول موسوعة جينيس للأرقام القياسية حسب اللجنة المنظمة لهذا الحدث الذي شارك فيه 25 من أصحاب محلات الكنافة التي تشتهر بها مدينة نابلس.

وقال الشاب عمار غنيم أحد المشاركين في صنع طبق الكنافة: " لقد استغرق العمل في إنتاج هذا السدر أربع وعشرين ساعة متواصلة، أشعر بسعادة لا توصف بانجاز هذا العمل الضخم".

واحتشد الآلاف من المواطنين القادمين من المدينة والمناطق المجاورة لها إضافة إلى عدد من الفلسطينيين الذين يقيمون في الأراضي الفلسطينية عام 1948 حول طبق الكنافة الذي ما أن أعلن عن افتتاحه لم يبق منه شيئا بعد أن تناوله الحضور. وكان المنظمون أعلنوا انه يكفي لستة آلاف شخص.

فيلم عماد عقل.. إنتاجٌ غزيٌّ استغرق عامين كاملين يعرض معاناة الفلسطينيين

سيناريو القيادي في "حماس" محمود الزهار

فيلم عماد عقل.. إنتاجٌ غزيٌّ استغرق عامين كاملين يعرض معاناة الفلسطينيين

أعلنت "شبكة الأقصى للإعلام والإنتاج الفني" عن استعدادها لبدء عرض فيلم أنتجته بعنوان "الشهيد القسامي القائد عماد عقل" سيناريو عضو المكتب السياسي لحركة "حماس" الدكتور محمود الزهار، وإخراج المخرج الفلسطيني ماجد جندية.

ويسرد الفيلم الذي استغرق العمل فيه شهورًا طويلة الحياة الجهادية والدعوية للشهيد القسامي عماد عقل منذ ولادته وحتى ساعة استشهاده.

ويُعتبر الفيلم الأول من نوعه في مجال العمل السينمائي في قطاع غزة، والذي تم إنتاجه في ظل حصارٍ صهيونيٍّ خانقٍ يطبق على أهاليه.

سيناريو احترافيٌّ

وعن سيناريو الفيلم قال ماجد جندية مخرج الفيلم في تصريحاتٍ صحفيةٍ لموقع فضائية "الأقصى": "من الملاحظ أن الزهار أجهد نفسه في قراءة سيناريوهات عالمية من أجل كتابة السيناريو بالطريقة الصحيحة".

وأشار جندية إلى أن وسائل إعلام فرنسية سألته: "كيف لسياسيٍّ صعبٍ جدًّا مثل الدكتور محمود الزهار أن يكتب بشكلٍ أدبيٍّ فضلاً عن أن يكتب سيناريو فيلم؟!"، مجيبًا أن "كتابة السيناريو تمَّت بشكلٍ احترافيٍّ، ويصلح لأن يكون فيلمًا روائيًّا سينمائيًّا ضخمًا بحجم نضال الشهيد عماد عقل ومقاومته".

وبيَّن أن "السيناريو غطى كافة جوانب حياة الشهيد عماد عقل الدعوية والجهادية والعلمية والاقتصادية والاجتماعية، واستطاع تسليط الأضواء على حياة الشهيد عماد عقل بشكلٍ كبيرٍ جدًّا منذ أن وُلد مع معاناة الشعب الفلسطيني".

وكشف جندية عن أن "الدكتور الزهار عندما شاهد أول خمسة أشرطة من الفيلم قال لنا: "أنا أبشركم أن كل الممثلين في الفيلم سيكونون نجومًا يومًا ما"، وهذا دليلٌ على أننا أثبتنا قدرتنا في تطبيق رؤية الدكتور الزهار على أرض الواقع كما يريد.. نحن لم نأخذ السيناريو كما هو للتطبيق، بل ذهبنا إلى أشخاصٍ عايشوا عماد عقل وشاهدوه على أرض الواقع، لدرجة أننا أحضرنا اللباس الذي كان يلبسه وقت استشهاده".

اهتمامٌ أوروبيٌّ وتجاهلٌ عربيٌّ!!

ولفت جندية إلى أن الأوروبيين أبدوا اهتمامًا بالفيلم سيناريو وإخراجًا في مقابل تجاهلٍ عربيٍّ، موضحًا أن "الأوروبيين لديهم حبٌّ للثقافة ويحبون التعرف على ثقافات الآخرين"، ومضى يقول: "الأوروبيون اهتموا بفيلم عماد عقل أكثر من العرب لدرجة أن وكالة أنباء إيطالية أعدت عن الفيلم أكثر من تقرير"، بالإضافة إلى وسائل إعلام أخرى من كلٍّ من فرنسا وروسيا وبريطانيا، حتى القناة العاشرة الصهيونية.

وأعرب مخرج فيلم عماد عقل عن أمنيته أن يكون هذا الفيلم اللبنة الأولى لأعمال سينمائية إسلامية جادة تبدأ من قطاع غزة المحاصَر.

دور عماد عقل شرف لي

عرفات بعلوشة الذي يمثل دور عماد عقل في الفيلم قال: "في البداية كانت الأمور صعبة؛ لأنه العمل السينمائي الأول لنا في غزة؛ فلم تكن لنا تجربة في العمل السينمائي في القطاع، وكنت مستصعبًا دور الشهيد عماد عقل، لكن بفضل الله عز وجل وجدته مُسهَّلاً من بداية الفيلم حتى نهايته"، وعبر بعلوشة عن افتخاره بدور الشهيد عقل وتشرُّفه به، مؤكدًا استعداده لتمثيل أدوارٍ أخرى مشابهة.

أما الدكتور عبد الخالق العف المسؤول الفني عن فيلم عماد عقل، فقال: "فكرة الفيلم السينمائي للشهيد عماد عقل فكرت فيها شبكة "الأقصى" الإعلامية منذ انطلاقتها، وشجَّعها ورعاها الأستاذ فتحي حماد (وزير الداخلية الحالي في الحكومة الفلسطينية برئاسة إسماعيل هنية) وإخوانه في إدارة شبكة "الأقصى" الإعلامية؛ وذلك بعد أن وجدت الشبكة أن سوق العمل السينمائي ذات الطابع الملتزم تكاد تكون غير موجودة، فتم تأسيس "مدينة أصداء للإعلام والإنتاج الفني" كأحد أفرع شبكة "الأقصى" لتكون محضنًا ونواة للعمل السينمائي الإسلامي، ولتوفير البيئة التي يحتاجها العمل".

وعن المعوِّقات التي واجهت إنتاج الفيلم وإخراجه قال العف: "بالتأكيد هناك كثير من المعوقات؛ منها الحصار والحرب الأخيرة على قطاع غزة والجانب الأمني؛ المعوقات التي صعَّبت جلب كاميرات تصوير وصيانتها".

ساعتان ونصف استغرقت عامين

أما عن المدة التي استغرقت لإنتاج فيلم عماد عقل وإخراجه سينمائيًّا فأكد العف: "بالنسبة لمدة عرض الفيلم فهي ساعتان ونصف، ومدة إنتاجه استغرقت أكثر من سنتين، وبالنسبة لسيناريو الفيلم فهو للدكتور محمود الزهار، ونتوقع نجاحًا كبيرًا له في الداخل والخارج، ونحن بصدد التفكير في أفلام أخرى على نفس المنوال".

خطة العرض

وكشف المسؤول الإداري في شبكة "الأقصى" الإعلامية محمد أبو عون عن خطط الشبكة لعرض الفيلم على الجمهور، وأكد أن العرض الأول مخصَّصٌ لقادة الفكر والرأي وفريق العمل من الممثلين والمخرجين يوم الجمعة 17-7-2009م في قاعة المؤتمرات في الجامعة الإسلامية في مدينة غزة.

وتابع أبو عون: "أما العرض الثاني للجمهور الفلسطيني فسيكون في القاعات العامة؛ حيث سيبدأ هذا العرض من 1-8-2009م ويستمرُّ حتى أسبوعين"، موضحًا أن شبكة "الأقصى" الإعلامية تتوقع في المرحلة الثانية أن يتم عرض فيلم عماد عقل أمام 11 ألف مشاهد، مبينًا في ذات الوقت وجود عروض خاصة للمؤسَّسات والوزارات، بالإضافة إلى عروضٍ أخرى في الساحات المفتوحة بسعرٍ أقل يناسب الجمهور الفلسطيني في قطاع غزة

نتائج التوجيهي تعلن موحدة في الضفة وغزة الثلاثاء

نتائج التوجيهي الفلسطيني

نتائج توجيهي فلسطين 2009,

توجيهي فلسطين 2009 ,

نتائج الثانوية العامة فلسطين 2009 ,

نتائج فلسطين توجيهي 2009 ,

نتائج توجيهي فلسطين 2008/2009 ,

توجيهي فلسطين ,

توجيي فلسطين,

نتائج التوجيهي الفلسطيني 2009 ,

التوجيهي الفلسطيني 2009,

موعد صدور نتائج توجيهي فلسطين 2009

يوم الثلاثاء 21/07/2009

نتائج التوجيهي

اعلنت وزارة التربية والتعليم اليوم في الضفة الغربية وغزة

ان نتائج التوجيهي لهذا العام ستعلم يوم

الثلاثاء القادم

الساعة التاسعة صباحا

نتمنى للجميع دوام التقدم والنجاح

نتائج التوجيهي للعام 2008-2009 فلسطين

نتائج التوجيهي حصريا معنا هذا العام


اخبار فلسطين

نتـائـج الـثانوية العامة للعام: 2008 - 2009

حال صدورها فوراً

Afghan Taliban Releases Video of Captured American Soldier

Taliban insurgents in Afghanistan have released a video that shows an American soldier who went missing from his base on June 30.U.S. officials confirmed Sunday that the man in the video is the captured soldier. They identified him as 23-year-old Private Bowe Bergdahl from the state of Idaho and say the U.S. military is doing everything in its power to return him to safety.

Bergdahl speaks English to his captors and the camera in the 28-minute video, posted to a Taliban Web site Saturday. He tells Americans with loved ones fighting in Afghanistan - in his words - "to make our government bring them home."

U.S. military officials in Afghanistion denounced the video's release, saying the use of a captive soldier for propaganda purposes is "against international law."

In the video, Bergdahl says the date is July 14. The date cannot be verified.

A Taliban commander in southeastern Afghanistan said Thursday he will kill Bergdahl, unless the U.S. military stops operations in Paktika and Ghazni provinces.

Afghan Interior Ministry spokesman Zamary Bashari said efforts are ongoing to secure the release of Bergdahl. But he would not say whether officials believe the captive soldier is still in Afghanistan or if militants have shifted him to hideouts in Pakistan.

U.S. officials say the soldier was captured last month after he left his base camp in Paktika with three Afghans.

Jakarta Hotel Bombers Linked to Jemaah Islamiyah, Police Say

July 20 (Bloomberg) -- The suicide bombers who attacked the Jakarta JW Marriott and Ritz Carlton hotels, killing nine people including themselves, are linked to the Jemaah Islamiyah terrorist group, Indonesian police said.
The attackers on July 17 used the same bomb schematic, materials and method as those employed in past strikes blamed on the al-Qaeda-linked Southeast Asian group, police spokesman Nanan Soekarna told reporters in Jakarta yesterday. Officers found and defused a bomb in a guest room in the Marriott after bombers detonated two such devices in restaurants at the hotels.
“There’re similarities, the schematic is the same, and that identifies that the perpetrators are from the same network, Soekarna said. “If they are identical then that must become the objective of the direction to investigate” who is behind the attack, he said.
President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono kept Southeast Asia’s biggest economy free of attacks for four years by among other things capturing militants and giving tuition aid for the children of reformed terrorists. Jemaah Islamiyah has been blamed for a six-year bombing campaign that left about 280 people dead.
The attacks bear the hallmark of tactics and explosive devices used by Malaysian terrorist Noordin Mohammad Top, said Ansyaad Mbai, who coordinates Indonesian counter-terrorism efforts. Top, a suspected former leader of Jemaah Islamiyah, was probably looking for the right moment to strike, such as the presidential election and a planned trip by the Manchester United Football Club, said Mbai.
‘Strong Message’
“They wanted to send a strong message to show that their capability and spirit remain strong,” Mbai, who isn’t directly involved in the investigation, said July 18 in an interview in Jakarta. “Using the Manchester United event, they wanted to attract international attention.”
The British soccer team scrapped its first trip to Indonesia because of the attacks, which came nine days after the presidential election. Yudhoyono, a 59-year-old former general, was re-elected with 62 percent of the votes, according to the latest tally by the election commission.
President Barack Obama offered U.S. support in the investigation during a telephone conversation with Yudhoyono the day after the attacks, the White House said in a statement.
The Jakarta city government may ban people from bringing in luggage to hotel restaurants, Governor Fauzi Bowo said at a briefing July 18. Marriott, the biggest U.S. hotel chain, is studying the use of X-ray machines, “sniffer” dogs and entry barriers, said Alan Orlob, Marriott’s global head of security.
Hotel Guests
Obama in his telephone call congratulated Yudhoyono on his re-election and said the July 8 poll in the world’s largest Muslim-majority country “reminds the world that Islam, democracy and diversity can co-exist and thrive,” the White House statement said.
Australian Foreign Minister Stephen Smith, during a visit to Jakarta July 18, also offered to help Indonesia with the investigations.
Among the four foreigners killed in the bombings, three were from Australia and one from New Zealand, officials said. The dead included three people who were yet to be identified and the two bombers.
Among the 50 wounded, 16 were foreigners, including eight Americans and citizens of Australia, Canada, Hong Kong, India, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway, South Korea and Britain, officials said.
The attack “more than anything, points to an extremist Islamic group that may be one associated with Top,” said Sidney Jones, a senior adviser at the International Crisis Group in Jakarta. “Any of these attacks needs a lot of planning.”
In August 2003, 12 people died when a truck bomb exploded outside the Marriott lobby in Jakarta. Indonesia blamed that attack and the Bali bombing the previous year on Jemaah Islamiyah.
Stratfor, a Texas-based national security consulting firm, called Jemaah Islamiyah the likely suspect for the July 17 attack.

Apollo 11 crew: Aldrin likes spotlight, 2 shun it

CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. — In the 40 years since Apollo 11, some of the key players, most notably Neil Armstrong, have steered clear of the increasingly bright glare of the moonlight cast by the historic lunar landing. Others have embraced it. Almost all have written books detailing not only themselves but the glory days of space.
On this anniversary of his "one small step" on July 20, 1969, Armstrong, the commander, remains an enigma, steadfastly declining almost all interviews. He did not chronicle his own life, but agreed to a biography, "First Man," written by a historian and published in 2005.
Command module pilot Michael Collins, who circled the moon on while Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin explored its dusty surface, is just as elusive. He's not sure "recluse," though, is the right word.
"I think of the Brown Recluse, the deadliest of spiders, and I have a suntan, so perhaps," Collins wrote in a statement for NASA to get journalists and others off his case. "Anyway, it's true I've never enjoyed the spotlight, don't know why."
Aldrin, on the other hand, seems to be everywhere, plugging everything from radios to designer handbags, and signing copies of his new book.
A brief look at eight of Apollo 11's key players:
Neil Armstrong, Apollo 11's commander, keeps a low profile in his home state of Ohio.
He shuns the spotlight but when he does address crowds, he is a thoughtful speaker and exceedingly modest.
"I recognize that I'm portrayed as staying out of the public eye, but from my perspective it doesn't seem that way," Armstrong said in a 2001 interview for NASA's oral history project. "But I recognize that from another perspective, outside, I'm only able to accept less than 1 percent of all the requests that come in, so to them it seems like I'm not doing anything. But I can't change that."
He added: "Looking back, we were really very privileged to live in that thin slice of history where we changed how man looks at himself and what he might become and where he might go. So I'm very thankful that we got to see that and be part of it."
He will turn 79 on Aug. 5. He left NASA in 1971 and returned to Ohio, where he continues to live near Cincinnati. He taught engineering at the University of Cincinnati, then ventured into business.
Buzz Aldrin, the omnipresent lunar module pilot, has a new book out, "Magnificent Desolation." That was his description of the moonscape after he followed Armstrong down the ladder.
The book focuses on his post-lunar life, and his battle with depression and alcoholism.
He says it has been a challenge, since landing on the moon, to "carry on with the rest of your life." There is "this uneasiness and this uncertainty as to what I really ought to be doing."
Now 79, Aldrin lives in the Los Angeles area but is often on the road with wife Lois.
He still looks remarkably fit. In 2002, he punched, right in the face, a much bigger and younger man who was hounding him and trying to get him to swear on a Bible, on camera, that he walked on the moon. That's what he thinks of those who claim the Apollo moon landings were staged in a studio in the Nevada desert. His astronaut buddies still chuckle over it.
Aldrin, the only one on the crew with a doctorate, left NASA and returned to Air Force active duty in 1971. He's written several books, including space fiction, and is the apparent namesake of Buzz Lightyear of "Toy Story" fame.
Michael Collins, the command module pilot who circled the moon, has written several books about space, most notably 1974's "Carrying the Fire." It's considered one of the best insider space books ever, little surprise given Collins' eloquence and wit.
Like Armstrong, Collins, 78, avoided the anniversary limelight. He did, however, release a list of the questions he's frequently asked — along with his answers — to mark the occasion.
"Did you have the best seat on Apollo 11?" he wrote. "No."
"Were you happy with the seat you had?" he continued. "Yes, absolutely. It was an honor."
He considers himself neither a hero nor a celebrity, and more than a little grumpy as he ages.
"Heroes abound and should be revered as such, but don't count astronauts among them," he wrote. "We work very hard; we did our jobs to near perfection, but that was what we had hired on to do."
Luck played a big part in his life, Collins noted.
"Usually, you find yourself either too young or too old to do what you really want, but consider: Neil Armstrong was born in 1930, Buzz Aldrin 1930, and Mike Collins 1930. We came along at exactly the right time. We survived hazardous careers and were successful in them. But in my own case at least, it was 10 percent shrewd planning and 90 percent blind luck. Put LUCKY on my tombstone."
As for "any keen insights?" His response: "Oh yeah, a whole bunch, but I'm saving them for the 50th."
Collins left NASA in 1970 and became the first director of the Smithsonian Institution's National Air and Space Museum in Washington. He now splits his time between Boston and Florida's Gulf Coast.
It was Charlie Duke's voice that was heard by Armstrong and Aldrin after they landed on the moon.
Duke was the capcom, or capsule communicator, in Mission Control for the big event. As soon as Armstrong reported from Tranquility Base that their lunar module, Eagle, had landed, Duke radioed: "You got a bunch of guys about to turn blue. We're breathing again. Thanks a lot."
Duke flew to the moon on Apollo 16 and became the 10th man to step onto the lunar surface. He left NASA in 1975 and went into business. He regrets not having stuck around NASA longer and flown the shuttle.
"I look back now and I wish I had stayed," he said in a 1999 interview for NASA's oral history project. "The shuttle turned out to be a tremendous flying machine. Not as cheap as we expected it to be, but certainly a good machine."
Now 73 and living in New Braunfels, Texas, Duke is a motivational and inspirational speaker. He has his own Web site,, where he is selling autographed copies of his 1990 book, "Moonwalker."
Christopher Kraft was director of flight operations at the Manned Spacecraft Center in Houston. Like his colleagues, he celebrated with cigars and U.S. flags following Apollo 11's safe splashdown at mission's end.
He left NASA in 1982 and served as a consultant to various companies.
Kraft, 85, detailed his life as NASA's original flight director in his 2001 book, "Flight: My Life in Mission Control." He created Mission Control, directed the Mercury and Gemini flights, and helped put men on the moon. He went on to serve as director of Johnson Space Center from 1972 to 1982.
"There's only one flight director. From the moment the mission starts until the moment the crew is safe on board a recovery ship, I'm in charge," he wrote in his book. "No one can overrule me. Not my immediate boss ... Not his boss ... Not even Jack Kennedy, the president of the United States ... They can fire me after it's over. But while the mission is under way, I'm Flight. And Flight is God."
He still lives in Houston, and is as outspoken and opinionated as ever.
Gene Kranz was the flight director on duty at Mission Control in Houston when Armstrong and Aldrin landed on the moon.
Kranz went on to serve as lead flight director for Apollo 13 and, decades later, was portrayed by actor Ed Harris in the film "Apollo 13." For the record, he never uttered "failure is not an option" during Apollo 13; the phrase came from Hollywood. He liked it so much, though, he made that the title of his 2000 book.
"The words I used: 'OK, we've never lost an American in space, we sure as hell aren't going to lose one now. This crew is coming home,' " Kranz said in an Associated Press interview in 2000.
Kranz retired from NASA in 1994.
Now 75, he still lives in Houston. He gives motivational speeches and occasionally addresses NASA's work force.
As launch commentator, Jack King was the voice of Apollo.
The NASA public affairs official counted down the historic launch of Apollo 11, after doing the same for hundreds of previous rocket launches, including Gemini and the earlier Apollo flights.
"Twelve, 11, 10, 9, ignition sequence start. Six, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, zero, all engine running. Liftoff! We have a liftoff, 32 minutes past the hour. Liftoff on Apollo 11."
King, a former newsman, was so excited, he said "engine" instead of "engines." He had no script and stuck to the bare facts.
All these years later, King said he would not change his commentary. He still enjoys hearing it.
"I wish I had a penny for every time it was used," he observed Wednesday, the eve of the 40th anniversary of Apollo 11's launch. He was at the Kennedy Space Center for shuttle Endeavour's liftoff.
King, who left NASA in 1975, still works in the space business, in internal communications for United Space Alliance, NASA's shuttle contractor. He lives in Cocoa Beach, Fla., and declined to give his age.

Officials: Health care proposal a work in progress

WASHINGTON — Administration officials defended President Barack Obama's broad health care proposals on Sunday and urged a skeptical public not to judge the Democrats' overhaul until Congress writes a final version.
Facing independent budget predictions that contradict the White House's rhetoric, officials sought to refute Republican objections to massive changes in how Americans receive health care. They emphasized that Congress has not yet settled on an outline for health care legislation and reiterated Obama's desire for a bipartisan approach.
"This is a work in progress," Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius said, trying to calm nervous lawmakers whose re-elections could hinge on the legislation. "More will be done. The House and the Senate are committed to working with the president to get this done."
The United States is the only developed nation that does not have a comprehensive national health care plan for all its citizens, and Obama campaigned on a promise to offer affordable health care to all Americans. However, the recession and a deepening budget deficit have made it difficult to win support for costly new programs.
"The House has one approach. We put forward a different approach. The Senate is considering yet more options," White House budget director Peter Orszag said. "The key thing is we need to get there in a way that is deficit neutral."
Paying for the health care plan remains the major challenge, underscored by a nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office report that emerging House legislation would increase deficits by $239 billion over a decade.
"I don't follow why we've got to spend another $1.5 trillion to $2 trillion, most people estimate, on top of the $2.5 trillion we're already spending in this country and yet still have, under one estimate, at least 33 million people without health insurance," said Sen. Orrin Hatch, R-Utah. "I mean, these are things that are real serious problems."
Democrats insisted the budget analysis ignores savings and Obama's pledge not to add red ink to the federal ledger.
"It's clear that they're working with different assumptions than the White House and the Congress is," said Rep. Charlie Rangel, D-N.Y., the chairman of the House tax-writing committee.
Even so, the politics of adding to the deficit or raising taxes is tricky. Obama officials have refused to rule out a tax on the wealthiest Americans and oppose a tax on employer-provided health care benefits. They also want the Senate and the House to pass separate bills before an August recess, leaving reconciliation of their differences for September or later. White House officials grudgingly accept that such a timetable might force them into policy compromises.
"What we have said is this bill has to be deficit neutral," said Orszag, a former top budget chief for Congress. "We think there are better ways of obtaining additional revenue, and we have to let this legislative process play out."
But it won't come cheap. That means increased taxes and political opposition.
Republicans paint Obama's proposals as a massive tax that would leave small businesses wounded, employers shifting away from private plans toward a government-based system, and workers without coverage. Some GOP members have also cautioned that the legislation could fund abortions, a fear crucial to the social conservatives who hold sway inside the Republican Party and a proposition Orszag would not rule out.
A key Republican, however, warned his party not to scuttle health care legislation over abortion.
"No matter what your views are on abortion, you shouldn't ask people to use their tax dollars if they think that abortion is taking a life," said Sen. Judd Gregg, R-N.H. "I would hate to see the health care debate go down over that issue. ... Hopefully we won't get ourselves wrapped around the wheel of abortion in this debate."
Obama's advisers have argued that overhauling health care is vital to the nation's long-term economic recovery.
About 50 million of America's 300 million people are without health insurance. The government provides coverage for the poor and elderly, but most Americans rely on private insurance, usually received through their employers. However, not all employers provide insurance and not everyone can afford to buy it. With unemployment rising, many Americans are losing their health insurance when they lose their jobs.
Seeking to prod colleagues, Sen. Edward M. Kennedy wrote an essay for Newsweek magazine about the policy that has guided his decades in the Senate.
"Unless we act now, within a few years, 55 million Americans could be left without coverage even as the economy recovers," wrote the Massachusetts Democrat, who is being treated for brain cancer. "All Americans should be required to have insurance. For those who can't afford the premiums, we can provide subsidies."

US names soldier in Taliban video

The US military has identified a man shown on a Taliban video as an American soldier captured in Afghanistan.
He was named as Pte Bowe Bergdahl, 23, from Ketchum, Idaho. He went missing from his base in a Taleban stronghold near the Pakistani border last month.
In the video, released on the internet, the shaven-headed soldier says being a prisoner is "unnerving".
He also says US troops are suffering from low morale and should be brought home "where we belong".
The Pentagon said Pte Bergdahl was serving with an Alaska-based infantry regiment when he walked off his base in Paktika province, eastern Afghanistan.
Pte Bergdahl is believed to be the first soldier seized in either Iraq or Afghanistan for at least two years.
'Against international law'
In the 28-minute video, he says the date is 14 July and that he was captured as he lagged behind while on a patrol.

It is not possible to verify the time and date the video was made.
Pte Bergdahl, interviewed in English, says he has "a very, very good family" in America.
"I miss them and I'm afraid that I might never see them again, and that I'll never be able to tell them that I love them again, and I'll never be able to hug them," he says.
When asked about his condition he replies: "Well I'm scared, scared I won't be able to go home. It is very unnerving to be a prisoner."
A voice off camera asks if he has a message for his "people".
"To my fellow Americans who have loved ones over here, who know what it's like to miss them, you have the power to make our government bring them home," he says.
"Please, please bring us home so that we can be back where we belong and not over here, wasting our time and our lives and our precious life that we could be using back in our own country.
"Please bring us home. It is America and American people who have that power."
Bob Bergdahl, the soldier's father, told the Associated Press news agency: "We hope and pray for our son's safe return to his comrades."
US military spokesman in Kabul, Capt Jon Stock, condemned the use of the video.
He told Reuters news agency: "The use of the soldier for propaganda purposes we view as against international law.
"We are continuing to do whatever possible to recover the soldier safe and unharmed."
Leaflets have been distributed and a reward offered for his safe return.

Study Reports Anal Sex on Rise Among Teens

Carry -- a Colorado college student who had been in a steady relationship for months -- was recently cajoled by her boyfriend into some sexual experimentation.

He wanted to try anal sex, and even though the 20-year-old said she was "OK with the idea," she nervously downed several drinks before their lovemaking began.

Within 15 seconds, Carry -- not her real name -- said she was "crying and asking him to stop."

They never did it again. But experts say that as social mores ease, more young heterosexuals are engaging in anal sex, a behavior once rarely mentioned in polite circles. And the experimentation, they worry, may be linked to the current increase in sexually transmitted diseases.

Recently, researchers at the Bradley Hasbro Children's Research Center in Rhode Island suggested that anal sex is on the rise among teens and young adults, particularly those who have unprotected vaginal sex.

Experts say girls and young women like Carry are often persuaded to try such sexual behavior for the wrong reasons -- to please a partner, to have sex without the risk of pregnancy or to preserve their virginity. But many don't understand the health consequences.

"It really is shocking how many myths young people have about anal sex," said Judy Kuriansky, a Columbia University professor and author of "Sexuality Education: Past Present and Future."

"They don't think you can get a disease from it because you're not having intercourse," she told "They can actually recite by rote how you get AIDS, but it doesn't transfer to their personal behavior."

The study included a comprehensive questionnaire about adolescent sexual and other risk behaviors. The participants self-reported their answers, which scientists say can skew the results in this type of study. To compensate, researchers used audio computer-assisted self -interview technology, allowing participants to enter their responses directly into a computer, rather than having to report to an interviewer.

"Given the subject matter, it is likely that the numbers reported may actually be an underestimate of the prevalence of these behaviors," said Celia Lescano of Brown University, the Bradley Hasbro study's lead author.

More than one-third of new HIV infections in the United States occur among people between the ages of 13 and 29 and can be attributed to the mind-set among youth that they are not at risk of contracting the virus, according to the Kaiser Foundation.

Young Women at Risk

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention also report that young women, especially those of minority races or ethnicities, are increasingly at risk for HIV infection through heterosexual contact. They are biologically vulnerable, don't recognize their partners' risk factors and are often unequal in relationships.

And when women engage in anal sex, tissue may tear, more readily causing direct blood exposure to infected fluids.

"There is no doubt that teens lack information about STDs and the safety of different behaviors and they they are engaging in more sexual experimentation," Lescano told

"That is why studies like these are so important to conduct," she said. "We need to know what teens do and do not know, what behaviors they are engaging in, and what information we need to provide to them so that they can make decisions that will help protect their sexual health."

Even though the topic of anal sex is often considered taboo, Lescano urges "open discussion" of its consequences in doctor's offices, within sexual relationships and with parents.

Anecdotally, young adults confirm the reports of a rise in anal sex, including the perception that it is safe.

"I know some teens who did it just to try, and some who didn't have a condom available," said one 18-year-old Californian who did not want her name used.

"I think that it's less taboo simply because people are more open to trying new things," said her 23-year-old sister. "The younger crowd might be scared by the idea of getting pregnant, so they assume it's safer."

"It takes a great amount of trust to try something new with somebody that you may or may not like," she said. "I'd consider it if there was a ring on my finger. Otherwise, I feel I'd be losing some of my dignity as a woman."

One recent graduate of a New England college said one of her classmates was a "hard-core" Catholic who was rumored to have engaged in risky behavior.

"She only had anal sex with her boyfriend until they were married because that technically kept her a virgin," said the 25-year-old who wanted to remain anonymous.

Indeed, another well-publicized 2005 study using data from the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health found that teenagers who take "virginity pledges" were more likely to engage in oral or anal sex than nonpledging teens and less likely to use condoms once they became sexually active.

STDs Same for Pledgers, Nonpledgers

Conducted by researchers at Yale and Columbia universities, the study found that although teens who made the pledges had sex later than those who had not pledged and had fewer partners overall, both groups had similar rates of sexually transmitted diseases.

In the Hasbro study, females who had anal sex were more likely to be living with their partners, to have two or more sexual partners and to have previously experienced coerced intercourse. Males who engaged in this behavior were more likely to identify themselves as being homosexual, bisexual or undecided.

"These findings suggest that the factors associated with anal intercourse among females in the study relate to the context and power balance of sexual relationships," Lescano said. "We must teach teen girls and young women how to be assertive in sexual relationships, such as refusing unwanted sexual acts and negotiating for safer sex, whether it's anal or vaginal."

Megan Carpentier, who writes about politics and women for, said girls negotiating with boys for their attention is as old as time.

"Young women are concerned as much about being liked and loved as getting pleasure out of sex," Carpentier, 31, told "It certainly was going on when I was in high school: 'Do this if you love me.'"

"Putting it out there -- either oral or anal -- is not a consolation prize," she said. "You are giving up something."

Carpentier said the dismantling of comprehensive sex education programs in the public schools is to blame for teen ignorance about the hazards of anal sex. And it is unrealistic to expect doctors to talk to teens about this touchy topic.

"How many times do teens go to a pediatrician, not a gynecologist?" she said. "And when I was 18, my mother was still in the room."

According to the Journal of Adolescent Health, rising rates of anal sex among teens is reflected in the general adult population where anal sex rates have doubled since 1995.

"Somewhere around 2004-2005 an overused, initially funny and hard-to-attribute quote proclaimed that 'anal sex is the new black,'" wrote sexuality educator Cory Silverberg on

Pornography Fuels Sexual Interest

Anal sex statistics indicate that a generational change has occurred, where people born in the 1980s and later may be more comfortable admitting to or showing interest in anal sex. Silverberg attributes interest in the behavior among heterosexuals, in part, to the proliferation of pornography in the 1990s.

"I have been having sex for only 12 years, so I don't know if it was just something I didn't talk about when younger," said Tracie Egan, 29, who writes about sex and pop culture for

As with other sex trends, girls are more open to experimentation because pornography has become so easily accessible on Web sites like XTube and YouPorn, she said.

"Porn makes people more adventurous with their sex acts," Egan said. "Anal sex is sort of always considered the last frontier, pushing the envelope."

Raised in the 1990s, Egan was exposed to sex-laden MTV, documentaries on gay lifestyles and television shows like "Sex and the City."

"We were raised in a different way," she said. Girls of her generation, the so-called third wave of feminism, she said, were able to have sex with multiple partners and could detach themselves "socially and emotionally."

Still, Egan said that when she had anal sex with a boyfriend for the first time at 26, she was drunk, used no condom -- they were monogamous -- and didn't even know how to clean herself.

"Lack of sex education in school is really bothersome to me," she said. "Even I don't know about a lot of the biological issues."

Columbia's Kuriansky, author of "Generation Sex," has been hearing questions about anal sex from her college students for at least a decade. "Is anything wrong with having anal sex?" is the most common one.

"No," she tells them. "Except if you're forced into it or can't enjoy sex any other way."

Another question she often hears is: "If I want it, or like it, does it mean I'm gay?"

"Not necessarily," she answers.

Girls Now Express Interest in Anal Sex

What's changed in this decade is girls are now expressing an interest. "On college campuses it's escalated," Kuriansky said. "There's more talk, more books, more videos."

One speaker on the college circuit -- Tristan Taormino, author of "The Ultimate Guide to Anal Sex for Women" -- is gaining new ground with young women.

But, Kuriansky said, with fewer educational media outlets and less sex education, young girls are clueless about hygiene, possible bladder or vaginal infections and life-threatening diseases like AIDS.

"We are more open, but there's less information," Kuriansky said. "There are real myths and real efforts to be cool and people running around saying how great it is."

"But it's not just rubbing elbows," she said. "Anal sex is a serious public problem."

Pregnancy, STDs on the Rise Again Among U.S. Teens

Birth rates among U.S. teens increased in 2006 and 2007, following large declines from 1991 to 2005, according to a new U.S. government study.

It found that previously improving trends in teens' and young adults' sexual and reproductive health have flattened or may be worsening in some cases.

U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention researchers analyzed national data from 2002-2007. Among their findings:

  • About one-third of adolescents hadn't received instruction on methods of birth control before age 18.
  • In 2004, there were about 745,000 pregnancies among females younger than age 20. This included an estimated 16,000 pregnancies among girls aged 10 to 14.
  • Syphilis cases among young people aged 15 to 24 have increased in both males and females in recent years.
  • In 2006, about one million young people aged 10 to 24 were reported to have chlamydia, gonorrhea or syphilis. Nearly one-quarter of females aged 15 to 19, and 45 percent of females aged 20 to 24 had a human papillomavirus (HPV) infection during 2003-2004.
  • From 1997 to 2006, rates of AIDS cases among males aged 15 to 24 increased.
  • In 2006, the majority of new diagnoses of HIV infection among young people occurred among males and those aged 20 to 24.
  • From 2004 to 2006, about 100,000 females aged 10 to 24 visited a hospital emergency department for nonfatal sexual assault, including 30,000 females aged 10 to 14.

"This report identifies a number of concerns regarding the sexual and reproductive health of our nation's young people," Janet Collins, director of CDC's National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, said in a news release.

"It is disheartening that after years of improvement with respect to teen pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases, we now see signs that progress is stalling and many of these trends are going in the wrong direction," she said.

The study also identified a number of racial/ethnic disparities in the sexual and reproductive health of young Americans. For example, Hispanic teens aged 15 to 19 are much more likely to become pregnant (132.8 births per 1,000 females) than non-Hispanic blacks (128 per 1,000) and non-Hispanic whites (45.2 per 1,000). The study also found that non-Hispanic black youth in all age groups have the highest rates of new HIV and AIDS diagnoses.

Swine flu pregnancy tips reissued

The Department of Health has attempted to clarify its guidelines to expectant mothers and parents with children under five on how best to avoid swine flu.

Its advice to practise good hygiene by washing hands and surfaces regularly has been re-issued after a woman with the virus died soon after giving birth.

The Royal College of Midwives (RCM) says all expectant mothers should avoid crowded places and unnecessary travel.

But the DoH says only the "particularly concerned" should consider the advice.

Concern over the effects of swine flu on new and expectant mothers has heightened since the death of Ruptara Miah, 39, in London's Whipps Cross Hospital on 13 July. Her baby is said to be very ill in intensive care.

Good hygiene

Another child under six months old, who died in London, is also among the latest victims of the virus.

The refreshed DoH advice has been given greater prominence on its website.

Health experts say expectant mothers could suffer possible complications if they contract swine flu, such as pneumonia, breathing difficulties and dehydration, because they have suppressed immune systems. Young children are also vulnerable.

Most mothers-to-be with swine flu are being prescribed Relenza, an inhaled antiviral drug which treats the virus without reaching the foetus. However, where it is particularly severe, doctors can offer Tamiflu instead.

The NHS website stresses that most expectant mothers who contract swine flu will only have mild symptoms and recover within a week.

Belinda Phipps, chief executive of the National Childbirth Trust (NCT), said that while the risks for expectant mothers were low, women needed information to make an informed decision.

"If you are pregnant, you are slightly more susceptible to all infections. One of them is swine flu.

"It is important that pregnant women know that - and particularly other members of the population know that - so that they behave responsibly and if they are sick they don't go and put themselves close to a pregnant woman."

The Department of Health said it advised women to plan their pregnancy carefully, but was not advising against trying to conceive.

"Mums-to-be are more vulnerable to any type of flu. It is particularly important that anyone who has existing health problems and is thinking about starting a family should talk to their GP first, as they normally would," a DoH spokesman said.

Louise Silverton, deputy general secretary of the RCM, said women could not be expected to wait for the first wave of the pandemic to end before trying for a baby.

Speaking on BBC One's Andrew Marr Show, Alan Johnson, the new home secretary, said an unexpected aspect of the virus was that it was attacking the young, not the elderly as with seasonal flu.

He called on parents to keep using their common sense, saying the "vast majority" had been following public health advice.

Rates of flu-like illness

Twenty-nine people have now died in the UK after contracting swine flu - 26 in England and three in Scotland.

The government has warned that the number of deaths from the virus this winter in the UK could reach between 19,000 and 65,000.

However, during the 1999 to 2000 winter, seasonal flu deaths reached 21,000 and even during average winters there are normally anywhere between 6,000 to 8,000 deaths.

We asked you whether you were concerned about the effects swine flu might have on expectant mothers. Here is a selection of your comments.

I am in the third trimester of pregnancy, and I am asthmatic. I am concerned that neither Tamiflu or Relenza will be suitable for me if I contract swine flu.
Louise, Nottingham

This is such stupid advice. I am pregnant and travel to work every day on a packed Tube. How am I supposed to avoid crowded places and unnecessary travel? It's impossible. I can't just stop going to work can I?
Laura, Hertfordshire

My daughter has a 4yr old son who has swine flu, she is 4 months pregnant and worried in case she catches it and it harms the baby, we are also worried about the treatments used in pregnant women. There is to much contradiction going around to know what to believe.
Tina, Essex

I am currently 24 weeks pregnant and have been ill and at home for 5 days now with bad cold symptoms. After consulting the doctor by phone I was told it could possibly be swine flu but how am I to know? I am usually very level headed in these situations but not sure that not swabbing pregnant women with symptoms is wise - at least if we know if we have it we can be better informed!
Anonymous, Wales

I am 36 weeks pregnant and came into contact with Swine flu last week. I experienced a slight sore throat spoke with a nurse at NHS direct and my GP and was completely reassured that I was fine and not displaying any symptoms. There is definitely some scaremongering going on but if you seek appropriate medical advice your fears can be eased.
Jo, Romford, Essex

I have got a 14 month old child and am currently pregnant. I'm very worried we could all catch the virus as a lot of people where we live are getting it. Also it is going round schools where my niece goes. I believe there should be vaccinations soon as possible for young children and those who it could endanger more than others
Nikki, Chelmsford, Essex

Clinton, India's Ramesh Clash on Climate Change

GURGAON, India, July 19 -- The stage was set for a demonstration of how India and the United States could work together to reduce the impact of climate change: Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton touring an environmentally-friendly "green" office building on the outskirts of the sprawling capital of New Delhi.

But the clash between developed and developing countries over climate change intruded on the high-profile photo opportunity midway through Clinton's three-day tour of India. Indian Environmental Minister Jairam Ramesh complained about U.S. pressure to cut a worldwide deal and Clinton countered that the Obama administration's push for a binding agreement would not sacrifice India's economic growth.

As dozens of cameras recorded the scene, Ramesh declared that India would not commit to a deal that would require it to meet targets to reduce emissions. "It is not true that India is running away from mitigation," he said. But "India's position, let me be clear, is that we are simply not in the position to take legally binding emissions targets."

"No one wants to in any way stall or undermine the economic growth that is necessary to lift millions more out of poverty," Clinton countered. "We also believe that there is a way to eradicate poverty and develop sustainability that will lower significantly the carbon footprint."

Both sides appearing to be playing to the Indian audience, with Ramesh taking the opportunity to reinforce India's bottom line.

Before the visit, U.S. officials were acutely aware that the Indian government has faced criticism at home for making what they considered relatively modest concessions on reducing greenhouse emissions earlier this month at a meeting of major economies. A leaked e-mail from former Indian negotiator Surya Sethi to other negotiators -- in which he asserted the decision would make India poorer -- generated a firestorm here.

Clinton was prepared to argue that countering climate change could actually lift India's economy, not undermine it. U.S. officials also believe, as one put it, that "developing countries are willing to do more than they are willing to agree to."

Todd Stern, the administration's special envoy for climate change, has accompanied Clinton on her tour of India. Though U.S. officials said that Stern's visit had been coordinated with Indian officials, the nervousness of the Indian establishment was reflected in one newspaper's headline on Saturday: "Climate Man's Visit Shocks India."

The visit to the "green" building -- the brick and sandstone headquarters of the hotel division of Indian tobacco giant ITC Ltd. -- began amicably. The building appears undistinguished from the outside, but Alwyn Noronha, an ITC executive vice president, explained to Clinton that the building has a 30 percent smaller carbon footprint than a similar-sized building, cutting energy use in half though innovations such as an L-shaped design that allows a maximum use of natural light.

Clinton likened the squat, plain-looking building -- which was constructed with U.S. assistance -- to a new version of the Taj Mahal, grandly declaring it was "a monument to the future."

After the tour was over, the American and Indian delegations settled into a conference room for a closed-door chat. Ramesh opened with a blunt statement that took four minutes to read.

"There is simply no case for the pressure that we, who have among the lowest emissions per capita, face to actually reduce emissions," Ramesh told Clinton. He asserted that "detailed modeling" showed "unambiguous" results -- that developing country emissions would remain well below the averages of developed countries even with high growth rates.

At the meeting, Clinton responded that she "completely" understood India's argument about per capita emissions, according to the notes of a U.S. reporter permitted to observe the discussion. "On one level, it's a fair argument," she said, but she argued the per capita argument "loses force" as developing countries rapidly become the biggest emitters.

Ramesh replied that India's position on per capita emissions is "not a debating strategy" because it is enshrined in international agreements. "We look upon you suspiciously because you have not fulfilled what [developed countries] pledged to fulfill," he jabbed, calling it a "crisis of credibility."

The tone of the nearly one-hour meeting appeared to become less strained as Clinton acknowledged some of Ramesh's points and repeatedly stressed the United States was not trying to limit India's growth.

'We want an international agreement," Ramesh said, but whether one can be reached at a major climate summit scheduled for December in Copenhagen will depend on being creative, leveraging international technology and especially "international capital is going to be key."

Clinton emerged from the session to declare the discussion was "very fruitful" and she saw the potential for narrowing differences between the two countries on the contentious issue. "We have many more areas of agreement than perhaps had been appreciated," she told reporters.