Libyan Desert glass
Libyan Desert glass (LDG), or Great Sand Sea glass is an impactite found in areas in the eastern Sahara, in the deserts of eastern Libya and western Egypt. Fragments of desert glass can be found over areas of tens of square kilometers.
Libyan Desert glass (LDG), or Great Sand Sea glass is an impactite found in areas in the eastern Sahara, in the deserts of eastern Libya and western Egypt. Fragments of desert glass can be found over areas of tens of square kilometers.
The origin of desert glass is uncertain. Meteoritic origins have long been considered possible, and recent research links the glass to impact features, such as zircon-breakdown, vaporized quartz and meteoritic metals, and to an impact crater.[1][2][3][4][5][6][7] Some geologists[8] associate the glass with radiative melting from meteoric large aerial bursts, making it analogous to trinitite created from sand exposed to the thermal radiation of a nuclear explosion. Libyan Desert glass has been dated as having formed about 26 million years ago. It was knapped and used to make tools during the Pleistocene[9].[citation needed]
Libyan Desert Glass Aids Manifestation...
A Highly Protective Mystical Energy
Libyan Desert Glass is also called Libyan Gold Tektite. These unusual stones embody within them the vibration of the Golden ray, a powerful spiritual energy.
The metaphysical properties of these crystals are very impressive, and they are recognized as powerful manifestation tools.
They are a golden yellow color, and vibrate strongly within the solar plexus chakra, which is the seat of the will in the body.
This area works as a psychic shield, and these stones help the process by creating a strong resonance in this area.
They are highly protective and are a beneficial stone to strengthen your will.
They guard you against any negative psychic energy being deposited in the solar plexus or in any other area of the body.
This is a helpful stone for those who feel that they do not belong on this earth, and who feel they may originate from elsewhere in the universe.
Where Does It Come From?
The main area where most of this glass is found, is a most inhospitable region, located near the Egyptian-Libyan border.
These stones are located in only one particular area, in a specific region of the Great Erg or sand sea. It is said that there is an enormous amount of this yellow glass in that area, found between a series of dunes in the desert.
Latest Note: there are yellow tumblestones selling under this name, and labeled from Australia, clearly they are not the same stone.
This glass has been dated by trustworthy scientists, and is said to be over 28 million years old. This is a very pure, silica rich glass, and many stones contain sand-dune particles within then, with some pieces reported to also contain iridium.
Although it has been known about by the people of the Sahara Desert for thousands of years, western scientists only discovered Libyan Desert Glass in the 1930's.
Some scientists say that it may have been the result of a meteor, and there has been some debate whether it came from outside the earth or was created by the heat of a meteoric event in the area.
In some circles it is known as Libyan Gold Tektite, but we really do not know for sure that it is a techtite. Regardless of whether we know how it came to be created it is definitely a stone of ancient origin.
Libyan Desert Glass are energetically powerful stones.
This may be because they embody the energy of the event that created them.
Although scientists have not found evidence that the stone is not of this earth, it would have been created by an enormous amount of heat.
This heat may have been generated by the crash of a meteor in that area 28 million years ago.
Libyan Desert Glass embodies a mystical energy that is
a potent aid in ritual ceremonies, and they are known
to help you to make contact with the higher vibrational realms.
The color of the glass varies, as you can see in the image above, and these crystals can be very pale yellow through to a deep yellow. You'll find that the color has little bearing on the level of its energy.
Because these stones have a very high vibration, and are said to enable you to make contact with extra-terrestrials, it is said that this contact is related to their likely extra-terrestrial origin.
What Is So Special About These Crystals?
This is a time of amazing spiritual changes and extraordinary energetic activations of our light bodies. The world is going through a time of transformation, and there is a need for all of us to bring our vibrations up.
The high vibration crystal energy that these stones embody is highly effective to aid your ongoing spiritual journey. Light-workers using Libyan Desert Glass have found that these high vibration stones are a strong aid for ascension.
These highly unusual stones embody the golden light within them, which is an impressive and highly spiritual vibration, that will aid you to reconnect to ancient knowledge.
Like most golden yellow stones, these stones resonate within the solar plexus chakra. They are powerful stones to aid the will-power, and they have strong energy to aid manifestation.
The vibration of these stones encourage the growth of your personal abundance and prosperity. If it is for your highest good, these stones will also assist you to manifest an increase in money.
These golden yellow crystals are strong stones to use in meditation, and will aid past life explorations. They are said to be able to enable you to make contact with beings from other dimensions, including extra terrestrial beings.
Wearing Libyan Gold Tektite
These stones are now becoming available as jewelry, but they are not common. Like Moldavite, they will have a potent effect on you if you wear them for long periods of time.
By wearing the stone you will immerse yourself in this amazing energy and it may allow you to make gigantic leaps of consciousness.
Because Libyan Desert Glass vibrate strongly within the solar plexus or power chakra, they will guard you against any negative psychic energy as they work as a psychic shield.
These stones were part of one of the funeral necklaces of King Tutankhamen, and they believed it had magical or mystical energy.
It is said that a piece of Libyan Gold Tektite was carved into an amazing piece of jewelry, as they believed that the energy of the stone would give King Tut greater powers to use in the afterlife.
How To Use It
There are some very powerful ways to use these stones. One of the best ways to use them is in a meditation using crystals, when they may aid you to access the Akashic records.
Pieces of this yellow glass have a potent energy that may be used to aid you if you are performing any type of ritual ceremonies, especially relating to past life issues.
Libyan Desert Glass has an amazing vibration that may free you from deep karmic issues.
This may be most relevant if you believe that you may have had a past life in the area of Egypt, Libya or any countries in that region.
The ancient people of that area, had many very strong beliefs associated with their religions and their beliefs about the after-life.
Associated with these beliefs, at various times in the past, many people had powerful magical enchantments or spells placed on them, by very powerful shamans. Libyan Desert Glass may enable you to break the binds of this past life sorcery.
Why Would You Use Libyan Gold Tektite?
Within the solar plexus chakra, this stone has a potent, positive resonance, that makes them a very useful psychic protection stone.
This vibration prevents negative psychic energy accumulating in this area, and stops energy thieves from stealing your energy.
It creates a strong barrier to prevent these types of negative events. Within all of the higher chakras this energy is deeply spiritual.
It will open up your spiritual vision to allow you to experience deeper spiritual awareness.
It may aid learning by stimulating your mental abilities. It has a strong resonance within both the heart and thymus or higher heart chakra, imbuing you with a sense of happiness, joy and love of life.
If you are a healer, wearing this stone may be beneficial. You may use its energy to ensure that you do not absorb any of your clients negativity, associated with their illness.
Libyan Desert Glass has powerful healing aspects that make it an excellent stone for crystal healers to use to aid their clients.
Its healing energy is especially effective within all of the lower chakras, where its golden light is known to be highly efficacious.
Although it has a strong resonance within the solar plexus chakra, this stones energy is potent within all of the chakras. It may heal a range of stomach issues, including irritable bowel syndrome.
Libyan Desert Glass are helpful grounding stones, as they take any excess spiritual energy down to the earth star chakra for grounding.
How Will It Help You?
It is a strong stone within the sacral chakra to enhance or increase creativity and may stimulate those with the gift of clairsentience to have stronger gifts.
The golden light this stone emits energizes and enlivens all of the chakras below the heart.
This creates a stronger flow of life force energy throughout the body.
They have impressive metaphysical properties to aid manifestation of abundance and prosperity.
The high vibration crystal energy within these golden stones is highly effective to assist your ongoing spiritual journey.
They are highly protective and so they are extraordinarily beneficial stones to utilize in your life at this time.
For light-workers who are going through this time of transformation, the powerful spiritual energy of the Golden ray that is embodied within these crystals is a strong aid for ascension.
At this is a time of extraordinary spiritual changes and strong energetic activations of the lightbody, there is a need to reconnect to ancient knowledge.
This mystical energy aids those who feel that they do not belong on this earth, and who feel they may originate from elsewhere in the universe.
"Why do you hasten to remove anything which hurts your eye, while if something affects your soul you postpone the cure until next year." Horace.
"Why do you hasten to remove anything which hurts your eye, while if something affects your soul you postpone the cure until next year." Horace.
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