Tuesday, May 31, 2011

اليمن في فوهات المدافع

يدعو المخلصون اليمنيون والخليجيون والعرب والعالم إلى تجنب حرب أهلية في اليمن. والرئيس اليمني علي عبدالله صالح نفسه قال أمس: إنه لن يستدرج إلى حرب أهلية. ولكن سقوط قتلى ومواجهات في صنعاء وفرار أعداد من سكان العاصمة إلى ملاذات آمنة ينذر بخطر يمكن أن يتطور إلى حرب أهلية طاحنة.
التصعيد الأخير يبدو أنه حدث بسبب صدمة الشارع الذي كان يأمل بنجاح المبادرة الخليجية وبدء مرحلة انتقالية سلمية للسلطة وبدء عهد جديد في اليمن كما هي سنة الحياة.
ولا يبدو أن قادة السلطة اليمنية يتمتعون بتقييم عال للأوضاع، لأن ترك الأمور لمزاجات الشارع، يعني مقامرة لا يمكن حساب نتائجها، خاصة في ظل رفض الرئيس صالح التوقيع على المبادرة الخليجية وقدم مبررات لا تبدو تقنع الشارع اليمني بحسن نواياه. ثم انتقلت الأوضاع من الملاسنات والمراوغات إلى مواجهات حقيقية في شوارع صنعاء. وذلك لعب بالنار ومجازفة بمصير اليمن، ووضع البلاد في فوهات المدافع، لأن الأمور إذا انفلتت فإن القبائل المسلحة ستنخرط في حرب طاحنة ضد السلطة، وربما ضد بعضها البعض. وذلك يعني خرابًا لليمن، وإشعالًا لفتنة، ستكون مروعة، في ربوعه. وإذا كان الجيش اليمني أمضى سنين لم يتمكن من إخضاع قبيلة واحدة في صعدة, ولم يستطع القضاء على مجموعة أفراد يتبعون منظمة القاعدة، كيف له أن ينشد نصراً في مواجهة قبائل يمنية مسلحة بمختلف أنواع السلاح.
وبدأت الطرق تضيق في اليمن، ولا مخرج لليمنيين من التكوم في أتون النار سوى أن يبادر الرئيس صالح إلى إيجاد مخرج لمشكلة ينسج بعض خطوطها. فقد قدمت البلدان الخليجية مبادرة تفضي إلى انتقال مشرف للسلطة وأمان للرئيس وعائلته. ووقع على اتفاق المبادرة زعماء المعارضة في اليمن، ولكن قرر في آخر لحظة رفض المبادرة والاستمرار في المواجهة. وسقط قتلى وجرحى  وتأزم الموقف. وكان يمكن ألا يسقط قتلى وان يحتفل الرئيس وموالوه ومواطنوه ومعارضوه بانتقال سلمي للسلطة يحفظ للجميع كراماتهم، واتخاذ ترتيبات تضمن ألا تحدث أعمال انتقام. وأن يضع اليمنيون كل ما حدث في الشهور الأخيرة وراء ظهورهم ويبدأوا عهداً جديداً لبلاد تحتاج إلى كل يوم وساعة كي تلحق بركب التنمية، والتعامل مع أحلام الغد ومتطلباته والتزاماته.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Stay Slim Over the Holidays – Your Holiday Sweets Survival Guide

Holiday Sweets are Everyone’s Concern over the holidays.
Overeat sugary sweets and your body goes into fat storage mode for your body releases more insulin, a powerful hormone that signals your body to store fat.
Treating yourself too often will most certainly…
- zap your energy
- disrupt your concentration and focus
- impair your immune system
- elicit mood swings
- accelerate the aging process
- increase cravings
- contribute to the Dreaded Holiday Weight Gain
Overeat sugary sweets and your body goes into fat storage mode as your body releases more insulin, a powerful hormone that signals your body to store fat.
Sugar is the Anti-Slimming Nutrient.
What is a Fit Yummy Mummy in the making to do?
You can enjoy the season and the best foods it has to offer without sacrificing your waistline. The following Holiday Sweets Survival Guide will help you practice Smart Indulging so you can Stay Slim this season.
Rest assured that you can enjoy your favorite Holiday Sweets! I created a 3 Step Holiday Sweets Survival Guide to help you practice Smart Indulging so you can Stay Slim and on track this season.
1. Have a Sweet Treats Plan
The best way to not blow it is to plan ahead and know when you will treat yourself. This will help you stay on track – you have something to look forward to and you are not depriving yourself (which only leads to more intense urges to over-indulge).
2. Do Not Skip Meals
Skipping meals to “save room” for your sweets treats will only slow your metabolism down, so the fat storing impact of sugar has a greater effect on your body’s ability to gain holiday pounds. Instead, eat supportive meals every 3 to 4 hours throughout the day. This will keep you satisfied and boost your metabolism – lessening the effect of sugar on your waistline.
3. Avoid Sugary Drinks
If you want to keep your sugar level in check, don’t waste your consumption on a soda, juice or fancy coffee. Save these “empty” calories for the treats you truly desire.
4. Check your Self-Talk
Rid yourself of self-sabotaging views – such as “I need to eat this, it’s the holidays, they only come once a year.” This type of thinking will only cause you to spiral out of control with little to no concern of the choices you make each day. Instead think about what you can do to keep you fat loss efforts in check.
The most important tip….Practice Moderation!!!!
Keep your sweet treats in check, schedule your Short Burst Exercises and enjoy a slim and trim body throughout the holidays.

Four Healthy Foods to Help You Beat Stress

We all get a little bit stressed out…especially now with the holiday season fast approaching. When time is not on our side and things need to get done, our nerves begin to fray.

But don’t despair – there are many ways to help calm your nerves and help you make it through this festive of seasons. For some of us working up a sweat at the gym, with our flat stomach workout, will bring back your sanity and for some of us food is the only answer. However, if done the wrong way calming our nerves with stress only leads to more frustration as we fall off of our flat stomach goals.

Today I’m going to share with you four foods that can help you fight stress, without taking you off the path to your flat stomach.

Fish - Studies have found that an increase of Omega-3 fatty acids in your diet can help calm your nerves and get rid of anxiety. So this season make sure to include an ample amount of healthy fat in your diet to help control your anxiety.

Spinach – The mineral, magnesium, found in spinach, helps to decrease the effects of stress on the body. Consuming about three cups of spinach daily, about 40% of your daily need of magnesium, will help to control your blood pressure during stressful events.

Oatmeal – Oatmeal is FULL of Vitamin B, which helps to produce serotonin in your body. Serotonin is an esential neurotransmitter that sends calming signals to your brain. Oatmeal is also a complex carbohydrate, thus the slow digestion of oatmeal provides for the steady production of seroton 
in your body and the steady calming of your nerves.
Chocolate – Yes – I’ll let you have a small amount of chocolate this holiday season, especially since the cocao boosts the levels of neurochemicals in your body. These neurochemicals produced by chocolate help the brain produce the feelings of happiness and relaxation. Just what we all need during these times. However, don’t over-indulge with the chocolate – just a few squares of dark chocolate are all you need to relax and smile.
So next time you feel yourself begin to stress out – grab one of these four healthy stress beating foods! You’ll be sure to make it through this holiday and any stressful day thereafter, while sticking to your flat stomach diet!

Simple Carbohydrates vs. Complex Carbohydrates – What Do I Need in my Flat Stomach Diet?

Simple Carbohydrates vs. Complex Carbohydrates – What Do I Need in my Flat Stomach Diet?

’m sure you’ve probably heard the term ‘good’ carbohydrates and ‘bad’ carbohydrates or ‘complex’ carbohydrates vs. ’simple’ carbohydrates, but what exactly does that all mean? Understanding the difference between these two types of carbohydrates is essential to any flat stomach diet. If you are not aware of good or bad carbohydrates you will continue down the same path, without seeing results. So without getting too technical we’re going to explore the world of carbohydrates here.
A carbohydrate is a macro-nutrient that provides calories and energies to our bodies on a daily basis. Carbohydrates provide the most energy, of the three major macro-nutrient sources (protein and fat are the other two) and are required for daily activities, as well as the daily function of your body (heartbeat, brain function, digestion).

Simple carbohydrates are digested quickly because they are made up of individual sugar molecules. These carbohydrates are ready to be absorbed quickly into the body. The quick absorption of the sugar can either make it readily available as an energy source.

However, when you ingest large amounts of simple carbohydrates, such as the sugar levels found in cookies or cakes, you are ingesting a large amount of energy or sugar. Your body does not need this massive amount of sugar at one time, so instead of using the energy immediately your body will then turn the sugar into glycogen (sugar storage in the cells) or turn it into fat. Your body does not need large amounts of glycogen, so the majority of the simple carbohydrate foods get stored as fat in your body.
Many sources of simple carbohydrates are bad for you, as you can see from the list below. 

However, fruit contains simple carbohydrates as well as
some fiber. The fiber in fruit and the low level of sugars in the fruit make it a good source of simple carbohydrates, because it won’t get stored as quickly as fat. Fruit is a recommended source of carbohydrates when compared with the list below.

- Soda
- Candy
- Cake
- Fruit Juice
- Foods made with white flour
- Corn Syrup
- Table Sugar

Complex carbohydrates, or starches, as the name suggests, are more complex than simple carbohydrates. To get momentarily scientific are sugar molecules that are bonded together into a chain. Since the chains of these carbohydrates are longer, it takes the digestive enzymes in your body longer to break them down into the usable energy of individual sugar molecules.

The slow breakdown and absorption of the individual sugars into the intestines provides us with a steady supply of energy for a longer period of time. Since it takes longer to absorb the complex carbohydrates our body then uses the energy as needed, and less of the sugar is then stored as fat.

Foods that are made up of complex carbohydrates are also made up with fiber, with also help with your digestion process.

- Green Vegetables (spinach, broccoli, asparagus)
- Whole Wheat foods

- Brown/Whole Grain Rice
- Strawberries
- Yams/Sweet Potatoes
- Oatmeal
- Beans (Lentils, Kidney, Soy, etc)
- Muesli
- Tomatoes
- Eggplant

In order to get the flat stomach of your dreams your flat stomach diet should consist of more complex carbohydrates then simple carbohydrates. This ensures that your body is constantly burning fat, instead of storing simple sugars as fat. Now that you know the difference between these two carbohydrates – the good vs. the bad – you can make the right decisions at meal time, to ensure you aren’t making it harder for yourself to reach your flat stomach goals.

Why Do I Gain Weight? – Causes of Weight Gain

Why Do I Gain Weight? – Causes of Weight Gain

Unfortunately, the thought of gaining weight is one that we all despise. Some weight gains can be positive, when done for specific reasons, such as trying to gain more muscle or if you are recovering from an illness in which you lost excessive weight. However, a rapid increase in weight, can be extremely unhealthy, and something that can lead to serious health risks and problems in the future, such as diabetes, heart disease, or other such issues.

The only way to avoid excessive weight gain is to be aware of how excessive rapid weight gain happens in order to avoid it from occurring while we are on our flat stomach diet.

So what causes rapid weight gain?

Serious Health or Medical Condition: Studies have shown that rapid weight gain that is not caused because of pregnancy can be the sign of a serious illness that involves the endocrine systems as well as the hearts and lungs.

Retention of Fluids: Not drinking enough water or not drinking enough fluids may require your body to hold fluids, causing weight gain.

Imbalance of Nutrients: Changes in eating patterns, the type of food that is being eaten or the amount of food eaten can change the types of nutrients in the body. The imbalance of nutrients in the body may cause rapid weight gain as your body is not quite sure how to respond to these quick changes.

Food Allergies: When your body is allergic to something there are various ways your body will react to the problem. Some people develop rashes, or irregular breathing patterns when they smell or eat a particular type of food. In some rare cases some people have even been shown to gain excessive amounts of weight due to the allergy of a particular food.

Flat Stomach Snacks of the Week – Four Healthy Snack Options

A new week of working towards your fitness goals and flat stomach is about to begin. It doesn’t matteranymore if you didn’t stick to your diet last week or missed a few workouts. Its a new week and now is the time to plan and make sure you don’t make the same mistakes as last week. Or if you had a perfect week last week – ate every meal you had to and had some AWESOME workouts, its time to make sure that this week is perfect yet again.
In order to ensure a successful week I’ve created a list of four of myfavorite healthy snack options that are quick and easy to put together, plus GOOD for you. In order to ensure maximum fat loss and great results, its better to eat 5 to 6 smaller meals a day, two of them (between breakfast and lunch then between lunch and dinner) can be what I like to call ’snacks’. Adding these snacks into your flat stomach diet is going to help you keep your metabolism going and burning fat all day long, even when you’re at work sitting in front of the computer.
Most importantly, they’re tasty. Many people think that the term ‘healthy’ means ‘no flavor’ or ‘tastes like cardboard’ – no ma’am! I’m personally not a fan of cardboard – SO I’m not going to share anything with you that tastes that bad!
Now that I have your mouth watering…here we go!
  1. Yogurt – Yogurt is simple and easy to pack, especially if you’re on the go. Yogurt is a great source of protein and healthy fat. Add some fresh fruit or some granola (depending on your carb intake) and you’ll have a tasty sweet treat to keep you going until lunch.
  2. Natural Peanut Butter – Easily my favorite flat stomach diet staple. Put a tablespoon of peanut butter on some celery, an apple, or a low fat rice cake for a quick snack that will fill you up. Sometimes, I forget the vegetable or fruit and just eat peanut butter right out of the jar! Its SO tasty and a great source of natural healthy fat that will help keep your burning the ‘bad’ fat.
  3. Almonds – Almonds are an AWESOME snack time option, not only because they are tasty but they are SO good for you! Almonds are a great source of fiber, Vitamin E, and magnesium (that’s just on top of the usual protein and healthy fat). Almonds help lower blood pressure, fight heart disease and help you build muscle. Next time your hungry, have a few almonds and let the fighting of fat and high blood pressure begin.

  4. Blueberries - Instead of reaching for the bowl of M&M’s on your desk – next time reach for a handful of blueberries. This delicious sweet snack have loads of benefits, as research has recently discovered. Blueberries have the highest levels of antioxidants, which will help fight disease, and they are a great source of fiber, which helps prevent the absorption of some fat. Add your blueberries to your yogurt or cottage cheese, or even eat them by yourself and you’ll be satisfied until your next meal.
There are so many healthy snack options, these are just a few of my favorite to get you through this week. Another quick tip for successful weight loss this week – make sure to add these delicious treats to your grocery list and buy your food for the week before the week starts. Knowing what you are going to eat all week only helps to set you up for weight loss success – ensuring that you have all the food you need all week long. Then pack up your meals the night before and your ready to go!A new week of working towards your fitness goals and flat stomach is about to begin. It doesn’t matter

anymore if you didn’t stick to your diet last week or missed a few workouts. Its a new week and now is the time to plan and make sure you don’t make the same mistakes as last week. Or if you had a perfect week last week – ate every meal you had to and had some AWESOME workouts, its time to make sure that this week is perfect yet again.
In order to ensure a successful week I’ve created a list of four of myfavorite healthy snack options that are quick and easy to put together, plus GOOD for you. In order to ensure maximum fat loss and great results, its better to eat 5 to 6 smaller meals a day, two of them (between breakfast and lunch then between lunch and dinner) can be what I like to call ’snacks’. Adding these snacks into your flat stomach diet is going to help you keep your metabolism going and burning fat all day long, even when you’re at work sitting in front of the computer.
Most importantly, they’re tasty. Many people think that the term ‘healthy’ means ‘no flavor’ or ‘tastes like cardboard’ – no ma’am! I’m personally not a fan of cardboard – SO I’m not going to share anything with you that tastes that bad!
Now that I have your mouth watering…here we go!
  1. Yogurt – Yogurt is simple and easy to pack, especially if you’re on the go. Yogurt is a great source of protein and healthy fat. Add some fresh fruit or some granola (depending on your carb intake) and you’ll have a tasty sweet treat to keep you going until lunch.
  2. Natural Peanut Butter – Easily my favorite flat stomach diet staple. Put a tablespoon of peanut butter on some celery, an apple, or a low fat rice cake for a quick snack that will fill you up. Sometimes, I forget the vegetable or fruit and just eat peanut butter right out of the jar! Its SO tasty and a great source of natural healthy fat that will help keep your burning the ‘bad’ fat.
  3. Almonds – Almonds are an AWESOME snack time option, not only because they are tasty but they are SO good for you! Almonds are a great source of fiber, Vitamin E, and magnesium (that’s just on top of the usual protein and healthy fat). Almonds help lower blood pressure, fight heart disease and help you build muscle. Next time your hungry, have a few almonds and let the fighting of fat and high blood pressure begin.

  4. Blueberries - Instead of reaching for the bowl of M&M’s on your desk – next time reach for a handful of blueberries. This delicious sweet snack have loads of benefits, as research has recently discovered. Blueberries have the highest levels of antioxidants, which will help fight disease, and they are a great source of fiber, which helps prevent the absorption of some fat. Add your blueberries to your yogurt or cottage cheese, or even eat them by yourself and you’ll be satisfied until your next meal.
There are so many healthy snack options, these are just a few of my favorite to get you through this week. Another quick tip for successful weight loss this week – make sure to add these delicious treats to your grocery list and buy your food for the week before the week starts. Knowing what you are going to eat all week only helps to set you up for weight loss success – ensuring that you have all the food you need all week long. Then pack up your meals the night before and your ready to go!

Stress Busters

You can find many simple and inexpensive ways to reduce your stress level on your own. A good way to start for many people is to cut out artificial stress reducers such as alcohol, which can mask symptoms and often make symptoms worse. Eat a well-balanced diet which includes plenty of fruits and vegetables, as well as foods which are high in complex carbohydrates, moderate amounts of protein, and low in fat. Avoid excessive amounts of caffeine which has been shown to increase anxiety.

Aerobic activity such as vigorous walking is, in my opinion, the best way to reduce stress and improve overall quality of life; walk or do whatever type of exercise you feel comfortable with. You may prefer to join a health club; if you do join a health club, go often and make it your special time. Don't concern yourself with your family while you are working out; this is your time and don't let anyone interfere.

Go outdoors whenever possible: A little sunshine and activity can have amazing ramifications on your stress level and will enhance your entire outlook towards life. Your improved attitude will have a positive effect on everyone in your family and / or circle of friends: Things which seem overwhelming will soon become trivial matters, causing you to wonder what the predicament was. Not only will you be less stressed, you will be healthier, happier, and more energetic -- ready to face whatever obstacles come your way.

Top 10 Ways to Get a Better Night's Sleep

1. Go to bed at the same time every day, even on weekends.
We are creatures of habit, and our sleep is no exception. By consistently going to bed and getting up at the same time, we condition our body to follow a regular pattern of sleep. This allows our body’s natural clock, called a circadian rhythm, to help initiate and maintain our sleep.
2. Make sure your bedroom is quiet, dark, cool, and comfortable.
Studies find that sleeping in a cool environment is most conducive to sleep. By eliminating excess noise and light, we can minimize the disruptions that might wake us up. In addition, the bedroom should be a relaxing place and not a source of stress.
3. Bedrooms are for sleeping and sex, not for watching television or doing work.
Somehow we have managed to make the bedroom a multipurpose room. All electronics must be removed! Televisions, gaming systems, computers, telephones, and various other gadgets are stimulating and disruptive to sleep. Don’t allow them in your bedroom and don’t use them in the brief period before going to bed. Even the small amount of light from a computer screen in the evening hours can stimulate your brain into thinking it is time to be awake. Moreover, do not use the bedroom to do work as these activities are likewise stimulating and will disrupt your sleep.
4. Avoid caffeine, alcohol, and nicotine 4-6 hours before bedtime.
Caffeine can be found in expected places like coffee, soda pop, or tea, but also in unexpected foods like chocolate. As a stimulant it will keep you awake, even if used nearly six hours before bed. Likewise, nicotine will disrupt your sleep. And contrary to common practice, an alcoholic “nightcap” can actually make your sleep worse. Though it may cause you to become drowsy, alcohol fragments the stages of your sleep and makes it more disrupted.
5. Don’t take naps.
The period of time that you are awake adds to something called “sleep drive.” The longer we stay awake, the more we want to go to sleep. By taking a nap we can relieve this desire to sleep, but it will also make it less likely that we will be able to easily go to sleep later. Adults should have a consolidated period of sleep at night without additional naps. If there is excessive daytime sleepiness and desire to nap, in spite of adequate sleep time, this might suggest a sleep disorder and warrant further evaluation.
6. Exercise every day, but avoid doing it four hours before bedtime.
Staying active and physically fit is an excellent way to ensure a good night’s sleep. However, doing this too close to bedtime may actually cause difficulties in getting to sleep as your body will still be revved up.
7. Develop sleep rituals which include quiet activities before bedtime.
Just like we maintain for children, adults need daily sleep rituals prior to going to bed to allow us to unwind and mentally prepare for going to sleep. These rituals should include quiet activities such as reading, listening to relaxing music, or even taking a nice bath in the 15 minutes prior to going to bed.
8. If you are having trouble getting to sleep, don’t struggle in bed.
If you are having trouble getting to sleep, don’t struggle in bed or you will train yourself to have difficulties there. Individuals who have difficulty initiating sleep often toss and turn in bed and try to force sleep to come. As this is repeated, night after night, this sets up a situation where we associate our bed with the anxiety of not being able to sleep. If you are unable to get to sleep within 15 minutes, go to another quiet place and lie down until you feel ready to fall asleep, and then return to your bedroom to sleep.
9. Avoid eating or drinking in the few hours right before going to bed.
Avoid eating or drinking in the few hours right before going to bed, as these might lead to disruptions of your sleep. Discomfort with heartburn or acid reflux as well as needing to get up multiple times to urinate can be very disruptive to a good night’s sleep. It is best to avoid setting up these situations by not eating in the few hours just prior to bedtime.
10. Make sleep a priority: Don’t sacrifice sleep to do daytime activities.
The most important advice is to respect that your body needs to sleep. Too often we are likely to allow our sleep time to be infringed upon when our daytime obligations take longer than we expect. Additionally, opportunities to engage in pleasurable activities -- visiting friends, watching television, playing on the Internet, eating out, and any number of others -- quickly cut into our sleep time if we let them. It is important to schedule your sleep time and keep to that schedule, no matter what might come up during the day.