Holiday Sweets are Everyone’s Concern over the holidays.
Overeat sugary sweets and your body goes into fat storage mode for your body releases more insulin, a powerful hormone that signals your body to store fat.
Treating yourself too often will most certainly…
- zap your energy
- disrupt your concentration and focus
- impair your immune system
- elicit mood swings
- accelerate the aging process
- increase cravings
- contribute to the Dreaded Holiday Weight Gain
- disrupt your concentration and focus
- impair your immune system
- elicit mood swings
- accelerate the aging process
- increase cravings
- contribute to the Dreaded Holiday Weight Gain
Overeat sugary sweets and your body goes into fat storage mode as your body releases more insulin, a powerful hormone that signals your body to store fat.
Sugar is the Anti-Slimming Nutrient.
What is a Fit Yummy Mummy in the making to do?
You can enjoy the season and the best foods it has to offer without sacrificing your waistline. The following Holiday Sweets Survival Guide will help you practice Smart Indulging so you can Stay Slim this season.
Rest assured that you can enjoy your favorite Holiday Sweets! I created a 3 Step Holiday Sweets Survival Guide to help you practice Smart Indulging so you can Stay Slim and on track this season.
1. Have a Sweet Treats Plan
The best way to not blow it is to plan ahead and know when you will treat yourself. This will help you stay on track – you have something to look forward to and you are not depriving yourself (which only leads to more intense urges to over-indulge).
2. Do Not Skip Meals
Skipping meals to “save room” for your sweets treats will only slow your metabolism down, so the fat storing impact of sugar has a greater effect on your body’s ability to gain holiday pounds. Instead, eat supportive meals every 3 to 4 hours throughout the day. This will keep you satisfied and boost your metabolism – lessening the effect of sugar on your waistline.
3. Avoid Sugary Drinks
If you want to keep your sugar level in check, don’t waste your consumption on a soda, juice or fancy coffee. Save these “empty” calories for the treats you truly desire.
4. Check your Self-Talk
Rid yourself of self-sabotaging views – such as “I need to eat this, it’s the holidays, they only come once a year.” This type of thinking will only cause you to spiral out of control with little to no concern of the choices you make each day. Instead think about what you can do to keep you fat loss efforts in check.
The most important tip….Practice Moderation!!!!
Keep your sweet treats in check, schedule your Short Burst Exercises and enjoy a slim and trim body throughout the holidays.
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